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Social Support

Various social media and other media outlets are available to young adults to help them not feel alone during their battle


  • Ohyouresotough | Instagram: @ohyouresotough
    • Creator, Chelsey Gomez, is a two-time survivor of Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Ohyouresotough emphasizes humor as a way to cope with cancer and chronic illness. Chelsey has a large community on Instagram primarily composed of cancer patients, caregivers, nonprofits, and more. She uses her art to advocate on behalf of the AYA (adolescent and young adult) cancer community and the cancer community as a whole.
  • Elephants & Tea Magazine 
    • Elephants & Tea is the nonprofit media brand of the Steven G. Cancer Foundation. It is a quarterly magazine whose mission is to help adolescent and young adult (AYA) cancer patients and caregivers to let them know that they are not alone in their experience with cancer. They are the only magazine written for and by the AYA cancer community telling their story in their own words. 
  • Life on Pause Podcast
    • Life On Pause is a podcast for and by young adults living with cancer. Each month, young adult cancer patients from Penn State Health share honestly about their cancer diagnosis, treatment, and life afterward. As cancer causes the group to reflect on issues both large and small, surprisingly relatable stories and themes emerge. From relationships to body functions, nothing is off the table.
  • Morgan Harper Nichols - Poet & Artist | Instagram: @morganharpernichols
    • Inspiring digital art and poetry.