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Caregiver Support


Caregivers have a unique role in a cancer journey. Often times they are the ones communicating with the care team on behalf of the patient, and may even need to make difficult decisions for the patient if the patient is unable to do so themselves. It is a physically and emotionally challenging role. Caregivers must remember to take care of themselves so that they can effectively assist their loved ones during their time of need.

  • American Cancer Society Caregiver Resource Guide
    • The American Cancer Society Caregiver Resource Guide is a tool for people who are caring for someone with cancer. It can help you: learn how to care for yourself as a caregiver, better understand what your loved one is going through, develop skills for coping and caring, and take steps to help protect your health and well-being.

  • American Cancer Society Caregiver Video Series
    • The goal of this video series is to provide educational support to caregivers as they assist with the everyday needs of cancer patients and provide self-care techniques to improve their quality of life. 

  • CanCare Caregiver Emotional Support Programs
    • CanCare offers a variety of emotional support programs for cancer patients and their caregivers including a caregiver support program that matches you with someone who has also cared for a loved one with cancer.

  • Penn Medicine Abramson Cancer Center Caregiver Support Group
    • The Abramson Cancer Center offers a variety of cancer support groups and workshops for you and your family at several locations. Led by trained professionals, these groups offer emotional support, educational resources and a chance to meet others who may face similar issues. Virtual groups are available.
  • Family & Medical Leave Act Facts/ Information
    • General information about the Family & Medical Leave act for those who may need to take time off to support their loved one.